Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, State Building Office ,

Training, Certifications & Employment Opportunities

Here you will find guidance on how to acquire State certification for employment in the following positions:.

  • Building Official
  • Residential Building Inspector (B-1)
  • Commercial Building Inspector (B-2)
  • Mechanical Inspector
  • Electrical Inspector
  • Plumbing Inspector

The complete set of regulations governing State Building Code Standards Committee certifications can be found at RI SBC-11.

Licensing requirements for mechanical, electrical and plumbing inspectors can be found at RIDLT Professional Regulations.

GENERAL INFORMATION FOR BUILDERS/CONTRACTORS: Rhode Island law requires that any person or entity in the business of residential and/or commercial construction, including alterations, remodeling, or repairs be registered with the Contractors' Registration and Licensing Board.

State Building Code Academy

The State Building Code Academy provides administrative and technical code training classes to meet mandated certification requirements.  The following is the procedure for certification:

1. A candidate is required to submit a STATE CERTIFICATION APPLICATION and resume with detailed work experience satisfying the minimum requirements listed under Option 1 or Option 2 of BCSC Professional Qualifications.

2. If minimum qualifications are met, the candidate will be scheduled to appear for an interview before the certification sub-committee for “conditional” certification status pending completion of the state mandated certification class.

3. The candidate shall satisfactorily complete the State Building Code Academy program within one year of obtaining a "conditional" certified status. The State Building Code Academy will be offered to all “conditional” inspectors free of charge, on an as-needed basis throughout the year.

4. Candidates who do not currently serve in a position of code enforcement for the State or a community will be placed on a "Certified-Eligible" list upon attaining a conditional certification until such time that they become so employed. 

NOTE: Persons on the Certified-Eligible list who are not currently serving in a position of code enforcement for the State or a community cannot identify themselves as Building Officials or Inspectors [510-RICR-00-00-11.3.3(B)].


Municipalities Hiring for the following position:

State/Municipal Job Postings