Training, Certifications & Employment Opportunities
Here you will find guidance on how to acquire State certification for employment in the following positions:.
- Building Official
- Residential Building Inspector (B-1)
- Commercial Building Inspector (B-2)
- Mechanical Inspector
- Electrical Inspector
- Plumbing Inspector
The complete set of regulations governing State Building Code Standards Committee certifications can be found at RI SBC-11.
Licensing requirements for mechanical, electrical and plumbing inspectors can be found at RIDLT Professional Regulations.
GENERAL INFORMATION FOR BUILDERS/CONTRACTORS: Rhode Island law requires that any person or entity in the business of residential and/or commercial construction, including alterations, remodeling, or repairs be registered with the Contractors' Registration and Licensing Board. |
State Building Code Academy
The State Building Code Academy provides administrative and technical code training classes to meet mandated certification requirements. The following is the procedure for certification:
1. A candidate is required to submit a STATE CERTIFICATION APPLICATION and resume with detailed work experience satisfying the minimum requirements listed under Option 1 or Option 2 of BCSC Professional Qualifications.
2. If minimum qualifications are met, the candidate will be scheduled to appear for an interview before the certification sub-committee for “conditional” certification status pending completion of the state mandated certification class.
3. The candidate shall satisfactorily complete the State Building Code Academy program within one year of obtaining a "conditional" certified status. The State Building Code Academy will be offered to all “conditional” inspectors free of charge, on an as-needed basis throughout the year.
4. Candidates who do not currently serve in a position of code enforcement for the State or a community will be placed on a "Certified-Eligible" list upon attaining a conditional certification until such time that they become so employed.
NOTE: Persons on the Certified-Eligible list who are not currently serving in a position of code enforcement for the State or a community cannot identify themselves as Building Officials or Inspectors [510-RICR-00-00-11.3.3(B)].